The latest info on plant pests, pathogens, and weeds.

MDAR Pest Alert Newsletter: August 2024

Images illustrating the four newsletter items.

This is the August 2024 edition of the Mass. Pest Alert newsletter, brought to you by the Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources.

Here are the top 4 things to keep an eye out for this month:

  • TCM: It’s Tree Check Month! Help protect your favorite tree and New England’s forests by giving a nearby tree a five minute check up today.
  • BioBlitz: Like nature? Photography? Dislike invasive species? Join our iNaturalist BioBlitz! Sign up now and then this October 1 to 15, pick a spot in Massachusetts with one of six trees that invasive insects eat, and record all the living things you see on or near those trees.
  • SLF1: In our new video series, learn how to check your vehicle for spotted lanternfly, get an overview of management options, and learn why these bugs are such a problem. All videos are less than 3.5 minutes!
  • SLF2: Our SLF bookmarks are now available to print and color your own! Tag us on Facebook or Instagram @Massgrown. We’d love to see how yours turns out!


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