The latest info on plant pests, pathogens, and weeds.

Archive for May, 2008

Pulling Perennial Pepperweed

On Saturday June 7th, from 1-4pm, the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge will host an information and training session on the identification and control of Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium). The training will be in Newburyport, MA at PRNWF Headquarters (6 Plum Island Turnpike). The first hour will be spent indoors learning about Pepperweed and control […]

When it comes to firewood, go local

With camping season in full swing, this is an important reminder to avoid transporting firewood to or from camping sites. Using local firewood sources is an important way that you can prevent the spread of introduced pests, from plant diseases to boring insects such as the Asian longhorned beetle or the emerald ash borer. Research […]

Know Your Weeds

If you are involved in weed management, the nursery industry in general, or are a landscaper or master gardener, consider signing up for one of UMass Weed Identification Workshops. Held at both the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain and at the UMass Amherst campus, the workshops are all-day affairs, incorporating a potted herbarium, walks outdoors, […]

Success against the ALB

Last month, the state of Illinois and the USDA claimed a big victory in the battle against the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis or “ALB”), officially declaring it “eradicated” in Illinois. This declaration follows more than four years of active surveys during which no signs of the beetle were found. The ALB was first discovered […]

Learn about Sudden Oak Death

Since Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum, also known as Ramorum Blight) was first seen in California back in 1995, the wide host range of this pathogen has had the nursery industry on high alert. Now Oregon State University has put together an online training course aimed at teaching nursery growers about P. ramorum and other […]

Update on Honeybees and CCD

This week’s ARS Newslink, produced by the Agricultural Research Service, has an update on work being done to understand the causes and impacts of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). A survey done this year indicated that more than a third of beekeepers in the USA had at least one honeybee colony where all adult bees were […]

Flies on the Attack

If you are in Wellesley, MA tomorrow, keep your eyes peeled for swarms of tiny but powerful (and beneficial!) flies. A team of researchers at UMass Amherst, led by Joe Elkinton, is set to release 1,000 parasitic flies (Cyzenis albicans) in Wellesley in an effort to combat the winter moth caterpillars (Operophtera brumata) currently defoliating […]

News for Growers

If you are a commercial grower of greenhouse crops or flowers, check out the New England Greenhouse Update. Produced by Cooperative Extension specialists around New England, this weblog will keep you informed with timely information, from advice about when and how to move greenhouse plants outdoors, to dealing with plants pests and pathogens. The New […]

Seeking Healthy Hemlocks

Have you spotted any healthy hemlock trees in your walks through the forested land of this state? If so, researchers at the University of Rhode Island may be interested in your find. An effort is underway to find eastern hemlock trees (Tsuga canadensis) resistant to two introduced pests, woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and elongate hemlock […]

Update: Gladiolus Rust

The April Pest Alert for Gladiolus Rust (Uromyces transversalis) has been updated to reflect information about the recent discovery of this fungal pathogen on gladiolus plants in Minnesota (check out a map of the US distribution here, courtesy of the National Agricultural Pest Information System). Until this past April, the only US records for this […]